Monday, November 8, 2010


Chapter 2 is titled: The Perfect Learning Storm and discusses that there are four converging forces to push us toward 21st century learning. These four forces: knowledge work, thinking tools, digital lifestyles, and learning research are all equally important and all play a major role in the life of a 21st century learner.

All of these tools are needed in order for the creation of a successful 21st century learner. As our world has developed, we have become increasingly dependent on technology as well as collaboration. This is important to recognize because these are the types of materials that should be used in lesson planning for students.
Knowledge work is identified as work that is, “done collaboratively in teams, with team members often spread across multiple locations, using a digital zoo of devices and services to coordinate their project work,” (Trilling and Fadel, 24) Basically, people need to know how to use different technologies and use them well for success in the 21st century knowledge economy.
Thinking tools are more essential that memorizing any facts. Students need to understand the fundamentals, and need to be aware that what the skills to solve problems are going to be more necessary than memorizing basic facts, they need to know that problem solving is something that will carry on, not just in elementary school, but throughout their lives.
“Net geners” or “digital natives” are people who have grown up completely submersed in technology, and these people are going to know how to navigate and use different technologies within seconds of being introduced to them. Because of this constant exposure to technologies, net geners are going to need different things and have different expectations than past students. There will be more willingness to engage in technological activities, but also, there is no “one –size fits all factory model” that these students will help these students be successful.
Learning research is allowing for five different findings that as a whole create the science of learning.
Authentic learning is allowing for the students to understand something from a real world simulation, and problem solve for what would actually need to happen for the assignment to be successful. The students are still assessed on standards but the focus is on the real world application of the activity.
Mental model building allows for both hands-on and on-screen activities to allow the students to take what they know and build onto that knowledge. This provides the availability to reflect on the model making in both forms.
Internal motivation needs to allow the students to emotionally connect to what is being assigned as work. Typically when students are internally motivated, they are willing to do the work, but if the students have a deeper, emotional connection to the work they are doing, this will more likely resonate with the student better.
Multiple Intelligences are important to remember when creating lessons so that students with different intelligences are being approached in different ways. Basically, this allows for differentiation of a lesson, so students can have a more personalized lesson.
Social learning is collaborative learning. Students need to interact with other students to be connected with others and value other peoples’ opinions and learn that they are a community of learners.
There are still different forces that are resisting this change and need to be addressed before anything will be completely effective. Students and teachers both need to understand that there is a balance that needs to be sought after. Students need to learn skills but also content, everything needs to be balanced. The biggest challenge is educating the whole student so they have a chance to collectively solve problems and work together.
Chapter 3 is titled “Learning and Innovation Skills” and this discusses how students need to learn to create together. “Critical thinking and problem solving are considered by many to be the new basics of 21st century learning,” (Trilling and Fadel, 50). These basics, along with Bloom’s Taxonomy, particularly the revised version, when combined are going to improve the way that students learn and are assessed, as well as their outcome results. Students will learn the skills to analyze factors that are more complex than ever before, and work to solve the problem that is set in front of them.
Through communication and collaboration students are going to develop deeper relationships with the material they are working on as well as the people they are working with. They are going to work to promote learning as a group, not just an individual. Students are going to use their creativity and knowledge to problem solve as well. Students need to know that creativity and imagination are not only acceptable to tap into but are encouraged.
The chapter ends with this idea, “One of the most effective ways to develop creative skills is through design challenge projects in which students must invent solutions to real world problems,” (Trilling and Fradel, 58). These are the lessons that are going to help students have a wider base for their education future, as well as their career life after.


  1. “One of the most effective ways to develop creative skills is through design challenge projects in which students must invent solutions to real world problems,” (Trilling and Fradel, 58). So teaching has come to creating lessons that allow students to use more than one skill. The focus should be wrapped around the focus of group work but also individualized each lesson. By allowing the children to create different projects, the lessons become individualized. Technology should be incorporated into these project to increase the skills the students are using. This is what we all have been taught, Individualize lesson to reach all students needs.

  2. My students have been working on presentations for social studies that I believe fit the model for 21st century learning. They are energized to create presentations which allow them to work in teams, educate their peers, and display their personal creativity. I'm on board with this method of teaching. My current issue of struggle is one of time management and accountability. These projects seem to really eat the class time. Perhaps it is my personal need to shift my thinking--technology doesn't always equate to speed.
